Ye and Me

What could Kanye West and Alex Jones possibly have in common, except of course being Despicable Jerks? Ye – formerly known as Kanye West, formerly known as Mr. Kim Kardashian, has come up with a T-Shirt that says “White Lives Matter.” Well of course they do, but why would an African American guy not say “Black Lives Matter,” or “All Lives Matter” or simply shut up. Hard to say since he is buddies with Donald Trump and thus surely believes “Orange Lives Matter.” But aside from their joint admiration for the president-turned-traitor, why would we pair up Ye and the ghastly Alex Jones, who also believes white lives matter unless they are small white lives gunned down at Sandy Hook? Have we played “Ebony and Ivory” too many times? Is that piano comparison valid in the case of Ye and Alex? Perhaps. But only if the piano is an old Steinway tumbling down the Lincoln Memorial steps and into the Reflecting Pool depicting the discordant America we all call home these days. (Sigh! So many jerks, so little time.)

Ebony and Calumny

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2 Responses to Ye and Me

  1. petergadz says:

    That’s what happens when life becomes a parody of itself.

  2. kerrtoons says:

    The hits keep on coming. I just wish they wouldn’t

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